9th Annual Mist Net Event

The MBWG held their 9th Annual Mist Net Event from July 24-26, 2012 at the Chickasawhay Ranger District of the DeSoto National Forest in Jones County.  The event featured a guided tour of the Triple H and Pitts caves, led by Dr. David Beckett of the University of Southern Mississippi.  In addition to southeastern myotis, the group observed two-lined, three-line, and slimy salamanders, pickerel frogs, and several crayfish.  Following protocol, no equipment was taken into either cave that had been used in any white-nose positive state.

The group caught a total of 15 bats, a flying squirrel and a bronze frog! Species captured included Seminole bat (8), eastern red bat (2), an unknown Lasiurus species (escaped), evening bat (3), and eastern pipistrelle (tricolored bat; 1).  The group followed the national protocol for handling bats to avoid spreading white-nose syndrome.

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